I just read my Monday blog and realized how annoyingly peppy I was. Or maybe my drained state I am in today is putting me in a funky mood. I have so many assignments pile up on me. The good thing is none of them are hard, just time consuming, and I am the world's worst time manager. I have no energy today. I am going running after I finish this and maybe it will wake my grumpy butt up. One important NEW update is that I am running a half marathon in October....(gulp). It made my stomach hurt writing that sentence, but I know it will be the ultimate way to achieve my goal to be a runner! The race is in Mandeville, LA and is for Leukemia and Lymphoma research, which I am an advocate for! Hopefully this will be an empowering journey and I can really learn a lot about myself and what my body AND mind can handle. I'll be running with a classmate who's father was diagnosed with Leukemia last year. We have to raise $1,000 dollars a piece because it is a FUNDraiser, but I'm hoping we can turn it into some service project for school. I've been thinking about running a half marathon recently after reading a blog I found http://halfasstohalfmarathon.blogspot.com/ (<----it's HILARIOUS and inspiring! You'll be addicted). So, when my classmate asked me if I was interested in the half marathon in October it was like it was just meant to be!! This means my butt has to be in tip top shape before october. Currently I've bumped up my milage to 4 miles. I also became a member of Runner's World today! I'm going to check out the site for training information.
One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest!
*In other news, I went to my first ever fieldwork site at a mental health facility last Thursday and it was so interesting! I can honestly say mental health is one of my favorite subjects, but it could be because our teacher for a class is in mental health and makes the class so interesting. Either way I am learning a lot about disorders and therapuetic interventions. During my observations I sat in and participated in 2 interactive group settings and we discussed communication skills and work settings. I also observed a group performing a meal preperation activity (pancakes!). I really liked how we learn about so many social and emotional disorders in class but I really learned more from sitting next to a schizophrenic patient in the communication group more than sitting in a classroom. I really understood the barriers these patients have to fight each day just to perform a simple task! Everyone smoked, I mean every patient I saw! It was kind of interesting. Everyone liked coffee too. I am going back to the facility this Friday, for "Fun Friday". The patients get to play games and extracurricular activites in the gym on the campus. That should be fun and we will be able to interact better with the patients.
ALSO Jillian Michael's Shred DVD hurts so good. My entire body is sore from that 25 minute workout!
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