Monday, July 25, 2011


Everyone knows I love a good Monday! Don't hate me, because I like time to get things done. Mainly today running errands here and there, organizing, and studying. This weekend was a blur of procrastination with a little studying. So today I  have to suck it up and get back to the books just for this last week! One week. It will be the longest week of my life.

Jealous betch?

In other happenings, I was in one of the grumpiest moods EVER last week, partly due to minor annoyances that had begun to build up, pressure with school, and maybe even a little homesick? Anyways, on my worst, moodiest, rudest day this weekend a friend of mine sent me a package that completely turned my week around. It was from an old friend I have literally not seen in over 5 years. The past few Valentine's days we have sent each other gifts because, well, truthfully we never have a Valentine, and who better to be your Valentine than your best friend right? No awkward dates even necessary! Recently an on going joke between the two of us has been that if we turn 30, and are still single we can just marry each other. That way we won't have to worry about feeling like a loser or dealing with nosy family and friends that keep asking "why we can't find a nice girl/boy". A quick fix, brilliant idea right? So back to my bitchy-full day, I received a package from him and he sent me a dozen huge plastic diamond rings and ring pops, along with an engagement card (with Cinderella on the front!) and the sweetest note I have ever gotten. And you know, it was one of the most genuine best things anyone has ever given me. Plus I'm a sucker for snail mail, always will be. I'm a really lucky girl, I mean fiance

Till next time, happy Monday!      -E

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